How to Google Search
- Use " " for specific searching of string
mostly we use a sentence for searching and search engine online search the first two or three words and we did't find the result which we want.if we put " searching words " and then search then we will find the best related results on google. for example i search "how to prepare for exams " then see the results in the given picture
Google Search |
Google Search |
This is how we can search the website related that have some how similarity. just write keyword related: and after that write the website you want related sites
for example and hit enter button or search you will see related websites that have same functionality like google for example see in the picture etc actually they have same functionality like google because they are search engines.
Google Search |
Remove content from search
if we want to remove some content from our search for example we want to search pdf books and we not want to buy the books so we will put the book name and then we will put the - minus sign and write the buy -buy and the search will not accept the words with buy keyword . just look at that picture
Google Search |
Google Search |
Definition and exact source of word
The word define: is used to check the definition and exact source of word for example where this word is derived for example Latin word or English word or Greek word etc. for example if we check the word science we will write as define:Science
and the result will be so nice as we can see in the picture below.
Google Search |
Google Search |
File Format Selection While Searching
when we are searching on google we type our search and hit enter then a lot of format displayed on the google. If we want only PDF but there are showing doc file type or Ppt file etc.But good news is this here is the best solution for you that would work for you to find the given format for you. you just have to write down what you want to search and then put the filetype: whichever you required
check it in the two examples of below pictures.
Google Search |
Google Search |
Selection Range of prices
Most of times have you problem with not searching the best stuff in your range without searching a lot but know its not a problem for you just type the item name and then put the price with .. two full stop. for example if i search for a PHP Book then i will put the name or randomly search like that Php programming book $2..$5 then it will show you all the Php books in this range. You can see this trick in the below pictures.
Google Search |
Google Search |
How to search all sizes of images
just open google chrome browser and search what you want and then click on the image
Google Search |
When you clicked on image there will be options open you just go to the Search Google for image option and open it.
Google Search |
When you click on Search Google for image then you will see like this that will give you options all sizes and large click on the all sizes
Google Search |
When you click on all sizes you will see the different sizes of the images will display at front of you so download the image what you want
Google Search |
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