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switch between virtual desktops windows 10 | win 10 multiple desktops


Switch between virtual desktops windows 10 | Win 10 multiple desktops

How to Switch Between Different Windows

Switch between virtual desktops windows 10 | Win 10 multiple desktops
Switch between virtual desktops windows 10 | Win 10 multiple desktops

if you are a windows 10 user and you want to switch between virtual desktops windows 10 and you want to move in multi desktops in your windows 10 then don't worry about it I mean Win 10 multiple desktops tasking is very easy to work now.

Let me clear the things first.

you are doing multitasking and you opened a web browser and watching a movie on youtube and on the other hand scenario 2 you are using paint to work with paint ... scenario 3 and in Microsoft office word you are using and writing an essay on pets health and suggesting people make their pets healthy, and scenario 4 you are downloading a music file in a browser, scenario 5 you are posting stuff on your blogger blog,

Problem Statement:

So your problem is to switch between different windows without using the mouse just by keyboard by the selection

Just follow instructions to switch between virtual desktops windows 10.

Step 1 find keys on your keyboard windows key and tab key. 
Step 2 press windows key + tab key. 
Step 3 different windows will appear just switch between virtual desktops windows 10.
Step 4 choose the windows where you want to work. 

               Just Press           Window key + Tab key

Here in this article, I try my best to make the things simple and show you things that are useful so if you have any issue or something that you want to share with me just comment that things I will put it to the article. your suggestions are very important for me to improve my blog thanks in anticipation be happy and take care your self  :)  

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