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How to be a Programmer | Easy Ways To Gain Programming Skills


How To Be a Programmer | Steps To Gain Programming Skills Early


  • First of all, you have to decide whether you really want to be a programmer?
  • If the answer is yes, then you have to left your girlfriend,
  • You have to left your laziness, 
  • You have to decide that you have to work for 18 hours on a laptop and most of the time you eat while working. 
  • A programmer is a person who devotes his life for others his family and the world, In other words, you can say a Programmer has no life.
  •  But on the other side, he has a lot of money because of his working, and Programmers salaries are very high almost high in all fields of life they are very rich persons. 
How to be a programmer | easy ways to gain programming skills
How to be a programmer | easy ways to gain programming skills 

Every Person that have enough potential to create something new or different in the fields of Computer Science & IT  or he want to build websites and develop software then he should choose the Programmer profession.  But Question is this how to be a Programmer?  

How to be a programmer | easy ways to gain programming skills
How to be a programmer | easy ways to gain programming skills 

Here I will tell you how to be a Programmer step by step ...

  • Decide why you want to be a Programmer.

How to be a programmer | easy ways to gain programming skills
How to be a programmer | easy ways to gain programming skills 

Decide why you are going to be a programmer? 

  1. Want to Develop Websites 
  2. I Want to Be a Website developer then Front End or Back End Developer.
  3. Want to Develop Web Applications
  4. Want to Develop Android Applications 
  5. Want to Develop Desktop Applications 
  6. Want to Develop Software
  7. Want to Develop the Games 

  • Choose your Field which you love the most.

  1. You have to decide your field where you want to go.
  2. Check Programming languages which one you most like. 
  3. Check the programming fields which one is your loving field exists.
  4. Check Other languages and try to do something and choose one from all of the programming fields. 

  1. First, go for main programming languages like C++ or Python as beginners.  
  2. Learn their basic concepts.
  3. Learn to program by practical implementation.
  4. Run your programmer and check errors and try to remove them.
  5. Take help from the internet.
  6. Take help from a programmer to clear your concepts.

  • Learn Language which is relevant to your field 

  1. Website developer 
  2. Front End Developer 
  3. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap. 
  4. Back end Developer 
  5. PHP,  MySql, Python, Ruby, C, C++,  Java, SQL. 
  6. Software Developer
  7. Java, C, C++, C#, Swift, Python, 

  • Join  Programming Communities 

  1. Facebook Groups 
  2. Twitter 
  3. Linkedin
  4. Yahoo Questions 

  • Search the web related to Programming

How to be a programmer | easy ways to gain programming skills
How to be a programmer | easy ways to gain programming skills 

  1. Google to the search topic 
  2. YouTube for videos
  3. W3Schools
  4. KhanAcademy
  5. Udemy 
  6. CodeAcademy 
  7. and Many more search on google for best websites to learn Programming 

  • Meet with a Programmer related to your field

How to be a programmer | easy ways to gain programming skills
How to be a programmer | easy ways to gain programming skills 

  1. Discuss how to program 
  2. How to get Started
  3. What should you do in starting 
  4. Discuss your Dream field 
  5. Discuss how you can take a start.

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