WordPress Tutorials for beginners
Why wordPress?
You may have a question in your mind, why learn wordpress? why we need to learn wordpress? what we will get after learning wordpress? what is the scope of the wordpress? Let me give you answer of these all questions.
If you want to become a great wordpress developer then use this book.
If you want to become a great wordpress developer then use this book.
Nowadays website development is very easy to learn because of wordpress make it so easy for the people. It's a very useful trick to use wordpress to develop your website in just minutes or just hours.
Just imagine if you have to code a complete website to develop the layout of your website and then complete functionality of the website then what will you do? you will take approximately take at least 3 months to do that thing a very short project to complete. The same thing in wordpress you can do in just 1 day very easily.
WordPress can be learned in just 1 hour here is the best book to learn in one hour gets the book from here 1-Hour WordPress 2019: A visual step-by-step guide to building WordPress websites in one hour or less!
WordPress can be learned in just 1 hour here is the best book to learn in one hour gets the book from here 1-Hour WordPress 2019: A visual step-by-step guide to building WordPress websites in one hour or less!
So wordpress makes people life easy. Moreover, it's an open-source platform that means people own it and people make changes and advanced products according to their requirements, therefore, it will never be a flop or its scope will never go down.
Here you can learn wordpress
WordPress Explained: Your Step-by-Step Guide to WordPress (2019 Edition)
Here you can learn wordpress
WordPress Explained: Your Step-by-Step Guide to WordPress (2019 Edition)
Because 33% of the total websites are on WordPress technology just imagine if 33% of websites are on wordpress then who the hell it will go down it will be increased in numbers in future because its easy to use and free of cost people share their knowledge on different platforms like Facebook groups youtube channels and wordpress other websites forums.
WordPress can be learned by purchasing a book to become a professional WordPress Developer

There are many ways to learn WordPress People will learn wordpress by learning with friends and their own by purchasing books from amazon etc. Therefore new people will learn wordpress easily and get started with wordpress.
WordPress can be learned by purchasing a book to become a professional WordPress Developer
There are many ways to learn WordPress People will learn wordpress by learning with friends and their own by purchasing books from amazon etc. Therefore new people will learn wordpress easily and get started with wordpress.
Hense wordpress will never go down its popularity in websites.
Here are some posts links to learn wordpress that I put on this blog if you like then comment and let me know if you like then I will make more posts about wordpress to share with you people.
Woocommerce Plugin usage
Here I will show you how to add products in woocommerce website add products. In E-Commerce site product setting to add a product in the woocommerce website. woocommerce product table for additional products.How to add Products in woocommerce site | How to add products in E-Commerce site
How to check woocommerce orders in WordPress website and how to manage them on admin dashboard | Client orders
How to search Admin Panel | client name by date by product name | Admin panel searching
How to change the status of woocommerce orders | Processing | Complete | On Hold | and many more operations
This is Videos Section here you will see the Videos Tutorial here
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