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Mysql import sql file | Mysql import database


Mysql import SQL file  | MySQL import database 

mysql import sql file | mysql import database
MySQL import SQL file | MySQL import database

Follow the steps to Mysql import SQL file 

  1. Start Xampp or wampp server 
  2. Open your browser and type in URL  localhost/phpmyadmin
  3. Hit enter button on your system 
  4. you will see PHPMyAdmin and here click on new on the left side of the bar
  5. after the click, you will see new options will appear on the PHPMyAdmin create the database and give the database a name and then click create.
  6. after the given name to database go to import on the header of PHPMyAdmin and click on import 
  7. after the click, you will see there will be option file to import here select .sql file from the system 
  8. Click on the Go in the bottom of this page 

for import SQL file or MySQL, import database see the video 

See the Screenshots to import SQL file or MySQL import database check these screenshots 

Step 1
MySQL import SQL file | MySQL import database
MySQL import SQL file | MySQL import database

Step 2
MySQL import SQL file | MySQL import database
MySQL import SQL file | MySQL import database

Step 3
MySQL import SQL file | MySQL import database
MySQL import SQL file | MySQL import database
Step 4
MySQL import SQL file | MySQL import database
MySQL import SQL file | MySQL import database

If you have any question then ask me in the comment section I will help you in import SQL file or MySQL import database feel free to ask your question Thanks...

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