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What is coding? | How to code | Computer coding


 What is coding? | How to code | Computer Coding 


what is coding | how to code
what is coding | how to code
If you want to command machine then you should be aware of the machine’s coding.
Coding is language or syntax to communicate with the machine. If you want to learn to code then this article is best for you. In this article I will discuss, What is your name, Basic functions of Computer, Machine code, Binary Coding, Hexadecimal Coding, Other systems used in computing, How binary and Hexadecimal system work? (Compilation),  Coding as an initial step of programing. The focus of this article only on basic computer coding instead of a specific computer programing or language.

What is your name?

I have The question, which language is installed on your computer? Defiantly your answer will English. Do you know? Your computer cannot understand English. The computer does not know, what is your name that appears on your desktop? The computer can understand a specific code.
Explanation of this code is given in the next paragraphs.

 Basic functions of the computer:

There are four basic functions of a computer:
  1. ·         Input
  2. ·         Storage
  3. ·         Processing
  4. ·         Output
Now there is a Question…….How Computer Store input, and processes a function for output? Then answer is machine code. The computer can read the machine code.

Machine code:

machine code | binary coding
machine code | binary coding 
Machine code is a language of the machine. This is always a Binary or Hexadecimal language. Do you understand? If your answer is no, then do not worry I can explain: Basically, the machine does not know English or another human communicating language. So Binary (01) and Hexadecimal are two methods used for this purpose.

Binary Coding:

Binary system purposed by Gottfried Leibniz. This system consists of two digits 0 and 1. For Example, if you want to write your name on the computer then you should use machine code at a basic level. Each and every programming language works on the basis of the binary system.

Hexadecimal Coding:

Hexadecimal the decimal system is a 16 base coding. These 16 bases are classified into two types:
·         Decimal digits
·         1st 6 Alphabets
Decimal digits are: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
A, B, C, D, E and F are alphabets used in the hexadecimal system.

Other systems used in computing:

Rather than the binary and hexadecimal system, there are two other systems are used in computing:
·         Octal system
·         Decimal system

How binary and other systems work?

Basically these systems are codes. These are on and off codes. Our machine” On or off” by the command of these codes. Let’s discuss the technical study of these codes:
1st of all, our computer has a processor.
With the help of this processor, our computer can read codes. Computer processor on or off with the command of code. For Example: In binary coding, the digit 0 means off and the digit 1 means on.
So if the code is: 010101
Then it means: Off-On-Off-On-Off-On
And this all the system is called Compilation.

Coding as an initial step of programing:

Coding is an initial step for computer programing.  For example: If you are Owner of a company, and you want to implement a rule in the company, so what material is required: a paper, a pen, a Paragraph, and your signature. So let’s consider this paragraph is programming for your computer then each sentence of this paragraph will a code. We can conclude that code is a basic unit of a program.


At the end, if the question will: what is coding? Then we can conclude that the Computer cannot understand a human communicating language. It can understand only a specific code to store input for processing. Some digit systems are used to make code. The binary system, hexadecimal system, octal system, and decimal systems are used in computer coding. Each computer has a processor that on and off by the command of code.

 keywords used:

  1. Coding
  2. Computer programming
  3. Computer coding
  4. How to code
  5. Machine code
  6. Compilation
  7. What is coding?

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